Thursday, May 2, 2013


TEMPTATION: It's literally everywhere it surrounds us constantly. Especially when your'e making such drastic changes as I have. I would be a liar if I said the feelings that your'e having aren't normal DUH they're totally normal. And I have been fighting temptation since I started this damn Juice Fast.

       Here's a little background for you, I am a 31 year old single mother who works in a restaurant at night, 4-5 days a week. I work a lot of weekends and mostly all nights, my sleep schedule is totally messed up 99% of the time and it drives me insane. I rarely take time for myself the way that I should and have been neglecting my physical and mental health for years. Where has that gotten me....... nowhere wonderful that's for sure. In the last 3 years I have gained almost 50 pounds indulging in bad eating habits, to much alcohol not enough sleep etc. I have been watching everyone else live their lives (while I packed on the pounds) saying ONE DAY, ONE DAY I WILL CHANGE!!!!!! Oh my god I was so lying to myself.

      Fighting my depression has been one of the most severe problems I've had. I took pills for a little while and Voila the depression was gone. So I stopped seeing my doctor and got off the meds. Guess what happened the depression came back and I was unmotivated, fat and depressed. So there's a small bit for you.

       TIME FOR CHANGE! Why why did I decide to do it now? 1~ my body is sick when I started my juice fast I weighed in at 251 pounds for me this is just awful I am a 5' 4" woman that is stuck inside a fat suit. 2~ I was tired of being depressed, I was tired of having no energy and I'm tired of wanting to do things with my life but blaming my weight on why I'm not doing anything at all.  So I decided to change. 3~ As Buddha says "The trouble is you think you have time." He's right you know. Today is the day, if today is your day you can do it you can change!

      Temptation it surrounds us, you ARE going to be tempted to fall back in to your old ways you ARE going to be tempted to steel that french fry, you ARE going to be tempted to give up because guess what it's the easy way out. But with that in mind all cravings pass, temptation will subside and we can overcome these obstacles that lie ahead of us. Anything in life worth having may not be easy. We are a lot stronger than we give ourselves credit for and we can do this! WE CAN be healthy and we can take responsibility for our actions and reverse the damage we have done in our lives! And just remember if you do give into temptation it's absolutely crucial that you tell yourself I am only human I am not perfect and I will forgive myself right now, because I can only be the best I can be for me.

xo ~ Julia 
 p.s.  I am down to 241.2 from 251.6 in just 9 days ! I am so proud of me! 
Please always feel free to email me or comment! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Juice Shark Lunch Day: 8

Juice Shark May 1, 2013
       Today's lunch was yummy I prepared a beautiful ruby red juice, made of the following ingredients!

  • 2 Beets ~ hang on to your underoos because these suckers while absolutely awesome for you, pack the punch and the taste of earth like you wouldn't even believe. I mean literally someone actually dug these out of the earth hahahaha! Beets can take a little getting used to but they are so incredibly good for you! 
  • 6 Carrots ~ Another root veggie! 
  • 1 Lime ~ To combat the taste of the beets!
  • 1 Large piece of Ginger ~ I love Ginger L-O-V-E IT! it's a very spicy and wonderfully yummy Spice (Oh the Irony) womp, womp, womp lol! Also to combat the beets.
  • 1 Granny Smith Apple ~ This is my favorite kind of apple to juice with because they are so tart and crisp, the flavor is extraordinary! But feel free to juice with your favorite apple! 
  • 1 cup of Spinach (tightly packed) ~ You must, must, must, always, always, always get your green veggies in whenever you can! 

Drum roll please here are my fancy and awesome results!!!

 Beets, Granny Apple, Ginger, Lime, Carrots, and Spinach not pictured

 Beets, Granny Apple, Ginger, Lime, Carrots, and Spinach not pictured

End result. The photo just does not do this juice justice. The actual color is so freaking gorgeous! 

       Also the way I like to drink my juice since I am a super hardcore beginner, is by adding a whole tray of ice cubes to my concoctions. This gets the juice super duper chilled and dilutes it ever so slightly.

Happy Juicing xo ~Julia~ 

Day 4 The Hardest Day Yet... FEH......

Day 4 April 27, 2013    

     OH MY GOD I wanted too murder somebody, I woke up cranky irritable and all I wanted was a fucking cup of COFFEE, CAFFEINE, JAVA, THE BEANS, THE GOOD STUFF, gimmee, gimmee, gimmee. In fact my exact text message to my sister was "I WANT COFFEE. RAWERRRAAWERRAWER LOL I'm cool!" Her response "I know how you feel. Lol, keep up the amazing work!" Inside I was dying, even with her words of encouragement I wanted coffee, I wanted to eat, I wanted to CHEW*%$#@&*(^&%. Then I responded with "Day four is the WORST." Again she retorted with, "You're doing great!"

     Have you ever wanted to punch a rhinoceros in the face? Well this is exactly how I felt. I was tired I wanted coffee, I wanted to chew fucking food goddammit!

     Deep breath, I got this! I did make it through day 4 but man it was tough. One of the worst parts of this whole experience is been having to prepare meals for my children. Because even though I was making changes to become healthier, they are still stuck in there routine of peanut butter sandwiches and pizza rolls. I mean I literally went from eating crappy, or hardly eating anything at all to drinking nothing but fruits and vegetables. That's a lot for one person let alone that persons children.

     Why did I start my blog with day 4? Probably because it's the day I deemed the hardest in my own personal journey (and let me tell you day 5 was no picnic either) I'll post about that one soon. When I started this journey I also started to keep a handwritten Journal about my feelings my mental depression, pitfalls, when I felt empowered and encouraged. I have it all written down. so when I'm done with this post I suppose I will go ahead and post about all of my many experiences. That may take a few days, but if I can help empower or encourage just one person to get healthy I will be absolutely elated. Because I finally realize that I'm worth it and so are YOU!!!

xo ~Julia~ Happy Juicing